Unconscious bias can have a significant impact on how recruiters and managers approach hiring decisions. From reviewing applications, shortlisting candidates, conducting interviews, to identifying finalists, bias is a reality. While it's challenging to completely eliminate, recruiters play a crucial role. By implementing the strategy of blind recruitment and removing personal information from applicants, recruiters can make impartial assessments, free from preconceived notions about the 'ideal' candidate for a role. This approach can level the playing field for candidates, reduce discriminatory hiring practices for companies, and foster a more diverse workforce.


Studies have demonstrated how candidate names and appearances can unfairly influence the hiring process. One such study revealed that CVs with "white-sounding" names received nearly 50% more callbacks than black candidates' CVs. Other factors, such as gender, race, and ethnicity, can also influence hiring decisions. Eliminating these factors can help remove unconscious bias from hiring decisions and lead to fairer and more efficient processes overall. Dr. Tyrone Holmes explores two examples in the following YouTube video:




Consider Litjobs as a tool to help your team engage a broader candidate pool. Blind recruitment can become your next strategy for building a more effective professional team and better outcomes.